Brake Bleeder Repairs

We offer a full repair service for GL Technics Perfecta 60 and Perfecta 20 Brake Bleeders, also known as VAS-6860 to VW Group Service Centers. Our specialist team of engineers are on hand to help assist you with any support queries and can carry out a detailed inspection and repair to your unit.

To have your unit repaired, please fill our repair form on the right hand side of the page. This form send our service team your information and email you a copy. Please print your copy and put it in a box with your unit. Please ensure that you ship the main unit and all pipes and parts so the service team can perform a full inspection. To reduce shipping costs, please remove the main unit from the trolley. For information on how to do this, watch the removal video here.

We aim to offer 24 hour turn around as long as we approval from your/ your company.


Service Centre Terms and Conditions


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Should you need to pay for your subscription renewal with a purchaser order number, please call 01453 840 401.